L İ M A K   T E C H N O L O G Y

Sustainability Governance Platform

A platform where sustainability performance can be measured and reported



Digitize your training processes with LMS


Task Management System

Manage your business processes efficiently with our new generation GYS system


Digital Transformation & Sustainability

In line with our goals, we focus on improving operational processes and generating data sets at Limak. At the same time, we continue our efforts to integrate digital processes and strengthen decision support mechanisms by increasing access to data.

LMS provided us great advantages in terms of time, training location and accessibility to employees.

We talked to Zehra Genç, Limak Tourism Training and Development Manager, about LMS. Click for more interview_

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Zehra Genç Limak Tourism Training and Development Manager

Some of our apps

What is it? A platform where all employees are together and leave processes are digitalised. Single Sign On feature with easy access to applications, directory, announcements, news from the company.
Where is it available? It has been commissioned in pilot units at Limak Technology and Limak Investment.
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What is it? Digitalisation of employee training processes. It was ensured that trainings in different categories such as orientation trainings, OHS Trainings, Vocational Trainings, Personal Development Trainings, Mandatory Trainings were received online.
Where is it available? Limak Tourism, HEAŞ, Limak Construction, Limak Investment, Limak Technology, Limak Finance Centre construction site.
Akche Jewelery is about to be opened for use at Sailor's Beach Club.
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What is it? With Limak Career, companies create their own CV pool. Access to human resources becomes easier thanks to Candidate Management and Advertisement Management functions.
Where is it available? It is now available at Limak Tourism.
It is now available at Limak Technology.
It is now available at Professional Hotel Managers Association.
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What is it? A platform that measures employee performance, sets targets and enables improvement.
Where is it available? Limak Tourism, HEAŞ and Limak Investment have been commissioned.
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What is it? It brings together all the tools required for the creation, monitoring and reporting of sustainability goals.
Where is it available? It is available for the use of the entire Holding.
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What is it? Application that allows all account movements to be monitored from a single screen. Instant follow-up is provided by creating notifications in account entries and exits, and the movements are automatically transferred to Accounting and ERP applications.
Integrated with 15+ Banks, 500+ Bank accounts.
Where is it available? It was commissioned in Altınordu, Baren, LMÇ, Limak Investment and Limak Construction.
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What is it? Access to all vehicles of the company from a single screen. Vehicle embezzlement information, maintenance time, tyre change, vehicle expense records, integration with fuel stations, vehicle-driver assignment functions and mobile application enabled assignment from anywhere.
Where is it available? Limak Construction, Limak Investment, Limak Tourism and HEAŞ.
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What is it? It was ensured that all immovables within the holding are displayed on a single screen in terms of type, location, feature and value.
It was ensured that immovable assets are displayed on the map by integrating with the Land Registry Cadastre.
Where is it available? It has been opened for the use of the Project Coordination Unit.
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What is it? The application where all information about the project such as location, budget, financial progress, physical progress of all ongoing and completed projects are tracked.
Where is it available? It was opened for the use of the Project Control unit and senior managers at Limak Investment.
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What is it? A platform that facilitates task prioritisation, assignment and tracking, and enhances team collaboration.
Where is it available? It is now available at Limak Technology.
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What is it? SustainSafeWork is an innovative solution that combines a number of powerful features such as artificial intelligence and mobile compatibility, enabling businesses to digitise quickly and effectively.
Where is it available? It has been put into use in HEAŞ, Tourism and Construction companies.
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What is it? The Supplier Evaluation and Management Platform is a modern and comprehensive system that enables businesses to manage their supplier selection processes more efficiently.
Where is it available? Limak Construction and Limak Tourism.
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What is it? The Visitor Management Platform is a modern and comprehensive system that enables businesses to efficiently manage visitor processes in a digital environment.
Where is it available? Hamitabat Elektrik Üretim ve Ticaret A.Ş. (HEAŞ) was put into use.
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What is it? It helps to prevent potential accidents by detecting potential accidents in advance. It instantly monitors and reports the hazards in the working environment. Thus, a safe working environment is provided by intervening immediately.
Where is it available? Limak Tourism and Limak Technology are now available.
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Our included service

We support your digital transformation with our expert team that offers innovative solutions

About Us


We provide support for your digital transformation by producing innovative solutions for all kinds of demands that meet your needs.


We take your projects one step ahead in the digital field by offering products that can easily adapt to all kinds of innovations.


By developing innovative ideas within the rapidly changing industry, we make it the rising star of the industry.


Regardless of the size of your workload, we develop scalable applications according to the increasing demands of your institution.